
Nice to meet you, I’m Adi 🙂

A traveler and writer, married and mother of four.

My profession is User Experience Designer (UI/UX). But today I’m mostly a travel blogger and owner of the “Easy Kosher Travel” website, that provides a solution for observant travelelrs.

In my free time, I travel around the world, and cultivate (quite a lot) hobbies: writing, music, books and more.

My family is very fond of traveling (preferably abroad) and it is important to note – also religious, which challenges the planning of trips.

We believe that the value of accumulating experiences is much more important than accumulating objects.

On the trip we have the opportunity to strengthen the connection with the children, to allow them to be exposed to different places and cultures, to be flexible, to give up and be creative, to experience new things and to accumulate experiences of a lifetime. Through the memories of travel we build family nostalgia.

As the person responsible for planning the trips at home, I found the way to travel with children and even enjoy.

I found that people who keep Shabbat and kashrut can travel the world, that there is no need a lot of money for that, and that if you make an effort you can find solutions to almost every problem.

For this I’m here – to share with you the knowledge and insights I got from my trips, and to give you the tools to travel on your own.

The Aim of "Easy Kosher Travel"

The site was established to provide a practical and reliable solution for observant travelers around the world. The site contains a lot of information, divided into categories, such as kosher shops and restaurants, kosher hotels, synagogues, mikvahs and more.

In addition, the site also has detailed and fascinating travel stories, from my point of view and from other travelers.

In every destination I write about, there is always a reference to the Jewish point: Kosher food – a list of kosher shops and restaurants, with all the details up to the level of kashrut, synagogues and prayer services, eruv, Jewish heritage sites and more.

If you are new here, I would like to recommend that you start with a few articles that readers particularly liked:

I hope the site will be useful, enjoyable and helpful,

Please note: I place particular emphasis on the reliability of the content on the site, and I am in contact with representatives from around the world in order for the information to be as accurate and up-to-date as possible.
However, a mistake might happen, and some of the information on the site may be incorrect. Use of the content of the site is at the sole responsibility of the user.

If you encounter an error on the site, I would be happy to inform you by email: metaylimbkipa@gmail.com.

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